Week by week…

Well, we have survived the first full week with the new infant 🙂 more pictures of Aléa and the boys at the beach in the very near future when I can figure out what the deal is with the funky picture uploading issue…hopefully they will load!

I was also gently reminded today that I’ve been slacking on the Mimi lesson posts. As luck would have it, I was provided with several examples over the past few days… 😉

  • Asking a two year old to be patient is just asking for trouble… just tell them you will get to A after you do B then be prepared to answer questions about B for the next Z minutes.
  • Running to Walmart to get bleach with the 7 year old somehow requires an entire tour of the store to ‘make sure we don’t need any toys’… (we didn’t)
  • being a kid is ‘tough’; especially a big brother…
  • Sharing an apple with a two year old at the beach can be kind of icky, crunchy, and leave sand in your mouth…
  • the distance that a two year old can run over the sand chasing the helicopters is vastly greater than the distance an adult can run on the sand and the softer it is, the farther away the child gets…
  • While explaining to a 7 year old that a pelican catches a fish to eat, be prepared to explain how it ‘kills’ it’s prey – apparently swallowing doesn’t count as killing…
  • With respect to the infant, she is coming up with all of her own rules – nursing is not really ‘eating’ – it’s just the quick version of waking up starving, then sleeping on and off just so she can have the milk pumped for her, then is fussy less than a hour later because she’s hungry??
  • Infant poop is so much less offensive than 2 year old poop – sometimes I wonder what he eats??
  • I am forever amazed at how cute adorable and wonderful they can be!
  • probably the best thing ever: When the 7 year old decides that YOU! (ME?) are the person that gets to pull out his first tooth!!!!