
I’ve always wanted to write – for years I’ve said that I need to write a book. This year when I moved to Florida to live with my youngest daughter and family, I started posting some Mimi lessons on Facebook (I’ve added a few to this blog for now…) and in the process I’ve come… Continue reading

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Where did I go?

The other day 6/22 when I posted the first blog in many months, I realized just that: I had disappeared from this venue and basically had shut down socially, mentally and physically… (Warning: personal sharing follows.) Some of you know, most don’t – I fell at the end of January. It was a painful awakening,… Continue reading

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“I can’t hear you, you’re too loud…”

Sitting at the table the other night, middle child was shouting to Mom and Mom very calmly turns to him and says “I can’t hear you, you’re too loud…” Now, let me explain a little – since birth, the middle child, Remi, has had an extraordinary way of making himself heard… We have tried many… Continue reading

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Too Loud to Ignore…

Today was the tipping point, the universe is sending messages that I really need to share this stuff… Wish I could make it up, but the three-year-old is doing that for me. To be fair, my ‘morning’ started somewhere between 11:30pm and 12:00am… Remi, (aforementioned three year old) knocked on my door, which I’ve been… Continue reading

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The ‘not-so’ little things…

Do you remember the commercial (maybe a Virginia Slims cigarette commercial – yuck) that had a slogan about ‘you’ve come a long way baby’? That’s how I feel today… If you read one of my first posts about living with my daughter and her family, you would know that initially I struggled greatly in the… Continue reading

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This little human…

Bear with me for a second, I haven’t posted about Aléa in a little bit and I honestly can’t believe she is now 5 months (plus a few days). In the past month she has learned to roll over, sit in the walker and kind of scoot around, and is starting to find her voice…. Continue reading

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Weekend Shenanigans…

Again, it’s the weekend and we’ve already been up several hours… During that time, we’ve gone to work and returned, fed and changed/dressed children, did dishes, started laundry, napped (infant), prepped breakfasts for the week, and prepped dinner! All of this taking place during a sibling confrontations, negotiating a truce, and restarting the day after… Continue reading

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Bike riding…

I am beyond amazed at how fast time flies right now… it seems like we make it through the week and the weekend is over in a blink of an eye and we’re back to the 6am bus stop. Sleeping in really isn’t a thing in this house… Our 6 month tax ‘season’ has finally… Continue reading

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