Family of Six…

I had an epiphany this morning (well, about a minute ago…) Being in a household with 5 other humans has made me realize that I’m in a time warp, three parallel ‘time perceptions’ going on at the same time…

Child’s perspective:

  • silent/quiet play – CANT EVEN TIME IT – ALWAYS WAY TOO LONG…
  • 2 mins in ‘time out’ is the longest 2 min IN THE WORLD AND I’M SURE I’M GOING TO DIE… (We even witnessed the dying on the floor yesterday for no reason – Middle child of course, nod to Nicole)
  • 65 minutes at the beach is the SHORTEST TIME EVER!
  • morning tv and breakfast is NEVER LONG ENOUGH
  • story time: 3 stories are NEVER LONG ENOUGH
  • bath time – always never enough time until someone gets soap in their eyes
  • waiting to eat dinner… (Particularly the two year old) WAY TOO LONG!
  • How can it be bedtime ALREADY???

Parents’ perspective – from my viewpoint of course:

  • Thank GOD there are two/now three of us as there’s not enough time in the day…
  • You’re up?? how can that be? We JUST went to sleep?
  • Life is timed between laundry loads and dishwasher loads…
  • Dinner? We’ll find something… oh yes, that’s what comes before pj’s, teeth, books and BED!!!
  • Is it bedtime yet???
  • NOW we can breathe…

Mimi’s perspective:

  • Everything I intend to do takes 8 times longer than I planned…
  • The shortest time on earth is from when I go to sleep and children get up…
  • Is it bedtime yet? Bedtime hugs are the BEST!!!

Yet another reminder that I’m in a different phase of my life this year… grateful for another lesson to be flexible and be appreciative for everything/one around me!

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