“I can’t hear you, you’re too loud…”

Sitting at the table the other night, middle child was shouting to Mom and Mom very calmly turns to him and says “I can’t hear you, you’re too loud…”

Now, let me explain a little – since birth, the middle child, Remi, has had an extraordinary way of making himself heard… We have tried many different things, including ‘use your inside voice’ or ‘time to be quiet’ or practicing whispering, which usually just ends up in giggling….

To my utter amazement, he turns to mom and lowers his voice and repeats his request very quietly! I almost fell off the chair. My head is saying ‘why didn’t you ever try that????’ The adults just about lost it and the child, looking totally confused, repeated it quietly again as if no one heard him…

It doesn’t work all of the time, but more than not, and truthfully has been the most successful of attempts so far. Mimi will definitely be using that going forward!

This little human…

Bear with me for a second, I haven’t posted about Aléa in a little bit and I honestly can’t believe she is now 5 months (plus a few days). In the past month she has learned to roll over, sit in the walker and kind of scoot around, and is starting to find her voice. We’re in big trouble… she already as a ton to say and I’m sure will be as vocal as the other females in the family 😉 Her biggest competition will probably be her middle brother who can out-voice everyone in the house right now! I thought you may enjoy some of the tummy time pictures we just took, and listen to our future orator… She has mastered going from front to back and is working on back to front, but her little belly is getting in the way!